SEO — Ship Fast ⚡️
1. Open the
<TagSEO>component and add your default values (title, descrition, etc..)
2. Add the
<TagSEO>component to each new pages your create and populate with the right values (title, descrition, canonicalSlug—at least)
3. When relevant, add the
<TagSchema>component to your pages/components. It helps Google understand better your website and can get you a rich snippet. Open the component for more documentation.
4. Add your root URL to siteUrl (i.e. in the next-sitemap.config.js file, in the root folder. It will generate a sitemap.xml & robots.txt file for all your pages.
The _document.js file has the most basic SEO tags (applied to all pages)
When you create a new page, add the component
<TagSEO>to get all your SEO metatags in place and rank well on Google.
return (<> <TagSEO title="Short React Tutorial for Beginners | ReactTutorial" canonicalSlug="/tutorial" /> <main> <h1>Tutorial</h1> </main> </>)